From MSM/GM Conference: Exchange Global Connection Contest and Safety Winners

EEODI Wiesbaden

The Exchange’s MSM/GM Conference closed Thursday, highlighting the winners of the Global Connection Contest and safety awards.

Equal Opportunity Employment Diversity & Inclusion’s contest helps main stores communicate the Exchange’s mission to support inclusive environments where diverse skills, perspectives and backgrounds are valued through in-store events and outreach programming.

“This year’s winners demonstrated what the EEODI wants an Exchange to embody: contributing to their community, maintaining their commitment to associates and making a positive impact to the bottom line at the same time,” said Associate EEODI Officer Valerie Wagoner.

Worldwide Global Connection Winner

Europe: USAG Wiesbaden

EEODI Wiesbaden

EEODI presents USAG Wiesbaden Exchange with the worldwide global connection award. From left: Tom Lozier, executive vice president and chief administrative officer; Jordan Flint, general manager, USAG Wiesbaden; and Valerie Wagoner, EEODI associate officer.

Regional Global Connection Winners

Eastern: Fort Belvoir

EEODI Belvoir

EEODI presents Fort Belvoir Exchange with the regional global connection award. From left: Tom Lozier, executive vice president and chief administrative officer; Alex Mamaril, general manager, Fort Belvoir; and Valerie Wagoner, EEODI associate officer.

Western: Kirtland AFB

EEODI Kirtland

EEODI presents Kirtland AFB Exchange with the regional global connection award. From left: Tom Lozier, executive vice president and chief administrative officer; Daniel Enderle, general manager, Kirtland AFB; and Valerie Wagoner, EEODI associate officer.

Central: Fort Leonard Wood

EEODI Fort Leonard Wood

EEODI presents Fort Leonard Wood Exchange with the regional global connection award. From left: Tom Lozier, executive vice president and chief administrative officer; Donald Cantwell, general manager, Fort Leonard Wood; and Valerie Wagoner, EEODI associate officer.

Pacific: Camp Humphreys

EEODI presents Camp Humphreys Exchange with the regional global connection award. From left: Tom Lozier, executive vice president and chief administrative officer; Vanessa Rowland, general manager, USAG Camp Humphreys; and Valerie Wagoner, EEODI associate officer.

Worldwide Safety Award

One region and one directorate were also awarded the Exchange’s Worldwide Safety Award for their success in lowering workplace accidents and maintaining a safe work environment.

Worldwide Safety Award Winners

Regional: Northwest Region

Injury Frequency Reduction: -24.8% lower

Recordable Accident Reduction: 29 fewer (-25.7%)

This decrease in accidents results in an accident reduction cost savings of $1,218,000.

LP Western Region

The Loss Prevention directorate presents the Northwest region with the safety award. From left: Danny Ross, senior field Loss Prevention operations manager; Frank Moss, senior Loss Prevention operations manager; Carrie Cammel, vice president, northwest; Tom Lozier, executive vice president and chief administrative officer; and Tommie Caudle, Loss Prevention vice president.

Directorate: Logistics

Injury Frequency Reduction: -29.2%

Recordable Accident Reduction: 67 fewer (-31.0%)

This decrease in accidents results in an accident reduction cost savings of $2,814,000.

“It’s important that when we see success like we did this year, lowering Exchange worldwide accidents by 20%, that we recognize our partners who offered their support and dedication to making this success possible,” said Loss Prevention Vice President Tommie Caudle.

Check out all the coverage from the 2023 MSM/GM conference:

Director/CEO Tom Shull Opens MSM/GM Conference With Message About Exchange Strength

From the MSM/GM Conference: Exchange Director/CEO Tom Shull Surprises 14 Associates With Coins

From MSM/GM: Top Exchanges Awarded Director/CEO Cup for Exceptional Service

Top PXs, BXs Awarded COO X Award, Building the Bench Award and Services Cup at MSM/GM Conference

From the MSM/GM Conference: Exchange’s Top Vendors Honored

Watch now! Wrap-up Video From MSM/GM Conference and More!

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  1. Gayle Middaugh on April 11, 2023 at 3:09 pm

    Congratulations to all!

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