Your Story is Important to Us

From Deputy Director Mike Immler
In my travels to visit stores and meet associates, I have been blessed to hear first accounts of those who went above and beyond to serve our customers. These inspirational stories might have never been told if associaetes weren’t asked to share their histories.
During the past few years, many long time associates have retired—and took their Exchange stories with them. Each of these associates was an integral part of the Exchange’s 121-year history, filled with colorful and, in some cases, heart-warming memories of our organizational changes, customer service and deployments.
We Want Your Story
I urge all associates who have worked for years at the Exchange to tell us your story of working for our great organization—the experiences, sights and fond memories—so we can have a living repository of people whose boots were on the ground and on the front lines of serving the world’s greatest customers.
Your stories of working at the Exchange are as important to the organization’s history as the thousands of pictures and documents stored in our archives and online.
These kinds of stories are what will continue to write our rich history. I know there are countless more tales out there that are just waiting to be told.
Let Us Hear It
We’ve had several associates respond to the Exchange Post to tell their stories of deploying after 9/11. They wrote some truly awesome thoughts that will live forever in our history. You can read their stories here.
These stories are what will continue to write our rich history. I know there are countless more tales out there that are just waiting to be told.
Consider this your invitation to share yours with us. As American poet Maya Angelou once said, “There is no greater agony than bearing an untold story inside you.”
Send your stories to