Share the Connections

On his recent trip to Southwest Asia, Director/CEO Tom Shull joined Europe Commander Col. Geoffrey DeTingo, left, and Senior Enlisted Advisor Chief Master Sgt. Sean Applegate to visit associates and deployed troops.
Tell Customers, Coworkers of Your Military Connections
Happy new fiscal year! 2015 has come to a close, a year in which
we celebrated 120 years of service and support.
How fortunate we are to continue a legacy 12 decades in the making.
The start of any new year is an opportunity to reflect upon the successes of the past year as we look forward to opportunities ahead.
As I look toward FY 2016, I’m reminded one of our greatest strengths is the relationship we share with those we are so privileged to serve.
Knowing the sacrifices
Today, 88 percent of Exchange associates share a connection to our military. Whether you wore our country’s uniform or are the parent, spouse or extended family member of someone who does or has, you know first-hand the sacrifice that comes from service.
The relationship you share with America’s service members uniquely positions the Exchange to meet military shoppers’ needs in ways no other retailer possibly can.
As I reflected on this fact, it became apparent that 2016 should be the year we fully embrace this distinct capability and let the world know we are “Family Serving Family!”
Sharing special connections
Beginning with my father’s service, as well as my own after graduating from West Point, and that of my brother and father-in-law, I have long felt a special affection for the brave people who honor us by coming into our stores.
I know so many of you have your own stories to tell regarding the family association you share with our military. This year, I ask you to share these special connections with your fellow associates and customers you meet and help throughout your day.
Dedication to serve those who serve
Many of you have dedicated your lives in service to those who serve as a result of the respect, admiration and relationship you share with a significant Soldier, Airman, Sailor or Marine.
This kind of commitment is the result of the family ties that bind us together and unite us all in a common purpose: to serve those who wear our nation’s uniform and their families.
This is one of many things that makes the Exchange team truly great.
For the next 12 months, share your personal testimonial . . . tell your story.
Let everyone around you know the genuine affection you feel for the brave Americans we have the privilege to serve.
Celebrating the bond
Throughout the next year we will continue this discussion. Stay tuned for ways to participate and tell your stories.
I am thankful to be part of the Exchange family. Please join me as we celebrate the bond we share with our military as we proclaim we are “Family Serving Family.”
Deeds Not Words!