Words From the Director/CEO: Honoring Heroes on Vietnam War Veterans Day

Tom Shull
Exchange director/CEO
March 29 will mark the sixth anniversary of National Vietnam War Veterans Day. It took more than 40 years after the Vietnam War ended to establish a national day for these heroes, a reminder of the struggles Veterans faced long after leaving Vietnam.
While serving in the Army as an infantry platoon leader in the early 1970s, I witnessed many of my Soldiers returning from Vietnam broken, met by an American public that didn’t fully understand their service. Despite their tremendous sacrifices, these Veterans did not receive the warm welcome home of those who returned from war both before and after Vietnam.
National Vietnam War Veterans Day recognizes that these heroes did not receive a proper homecoming and seeks to right that wrong. It is a privilege for Team Exchange to do its part, in partnership with The United States of America Vietnam War Commemoration, to celebrate the distinguished service of our Nation’s Vietnam Veterans.
It’s not only our shoppers who are heroes. Many Exchange teammates served in Vietnam with distinction. If you have the honor of serving with Vietnam Veterans, please take a moment to thank them for their service. And please remember the family members of our Vietnam Veterans on Team Exchange. Let them know that the sacrifices they made for their Veteran and our Nation are deeply appreciated.
The Exchange is privileged to celebrate the service, valor and sacrifice of Vietnam Veterans and their families. We are truly honored to serve heroes like them.
Veteran for Life!
Tom Shull
Army & Air Force Exchange Service