128 Years of Family Serving Family: Stanley Brooks, Wiesbaden Exchange
One in a series honoring the Exchange’s 128 years of family serving family.
Who he is: Stanley Brooks, store manager’s assistant, public affairs representative and social media administrator for the Wiesbaden Exchange
Years with the Exchange: 30
Where he’s worked: Hanau and Wiesbaden, Germany
What brought him to the Exchange: After serving in the Army for 10 years, Brooks applied to the Exchange’s PowerZone department in the Hanau Exchange in 1993.
What he did at first: A year after he was hired, Brooks became department supervisor in electronics at Hanau. In 2010, the store closed and Brooks moved to Wiesbaden to work for the Four Seasons/Toyland department. In 2011, he became department supervisor and was a shift supervisor in 2012. In 2015, Brooks began working at the Clay Troop Store in Clay Kaserne as a shift manager. In 2017, he worked as a shift manager in the Heidelberg Express.
What he does now: Since 2018, Brooks has worked as the store manager’s assistant in the Wiesbaden Exchange. He also works as a public affairs representative and manages the social media content for the Wiesbaden Exchange.
Memorable moment: “I worked in Slovakia for six weeks at a mobile field Exchange, serving Soldiers in a remote area. It was fun for me, but it was also challenging. We served a lot of Soldiers during off-hours to make sure they had what they needed. It was extremely rewarding.”
Family serving family: “The best part about working for the Exchange is that I get the opportunity to go to different places and help make the Soldiers happy.”