The Home Depot Launch: What Associates Need to Know

May 18, 2023 |
With the arrival of The Home Depot on and with major appliance showrooms rolling out to more than 60 Exchange stores, associates are encouraged to spread the word about this exciting Quality-of-Life enhancement for Soldiers, Airmen, Guardians and their families.
Here’s everything you need to know about this collaborative effort:
- Major appliance showrooms—with The Home Depot fixtures, signing and branding—are launching at five PXs and BXs this spring and will roll out to more than 60 Exchange stores.
- Major appliances available for tax-free purchase include washers, dryers, refrigerators, freezers, dishwashers, over-the-counter/built-in microwaves, ranges, cooktops, ovens and hoods. Home Depot offers more than 2,000 major appliances at price points military customers are looking for.
- Orders will be fulfilled by The Home Depot, which will handle customer service for all deliveries and installations.
- The Home Depot does not offer a service member or Veteran discount on major appliances.
- Shoppers may schedule their delivery and installation day during the checkout process.
- Shoppers can use their MILITARY STAR card for Home Depot purchases.
- Home Depot purchases will automatically receive a 0% interest rate and six months of no payments or interest.
- Competitive APR
- No late, annual or over-limit fees
- No back-interest when 0% promotion expires.
- Shoppers can purchase directly through or in-store through a mobile checkout system (beginning in June) with the help of an Exchange associate.
- All orders will be delivered and installed by The Home Depot.
- Store stock is for display purposes only and is non-sellable.
- The partnership will improve customer satisfaction and make the Exchange a destination for quality name-brand products with tax savings.
- The Home Depot already has the efficiencies, relationships, supply chain and economies of scale in place, and partnering with them allows the Exchange to pass on dividends to our military communities.
What are the first 5 Exchange locations where the Home Depot showrooms will be available, and on what dates?
Hi, Kelly,
Dyess AFB, Fort Moore, Fort Sill and Fort Cavazos are open. JBSA-Randolph may open as early as Monday.
Robert Philpot
The Exchange Post
So, this is only for Home Depots on post, not for off base Home Depots. Yes?
Apologies for the delayed reply.
Correct, this is for Home Depot showrooms in-store at Exchanges on post/base. It is also good at
Robert Philpot
The Exchange Post
Thank you.
I just logged on to the aafes exchange. Can I buy anything at home Depot with my Star car
Hi, Mr. Luebke,
You can use your Military Star card to buy The Home Depot products that are available at or in The Home Depot showrooms at PXs or BXs.
Robert Philpot
The Exchange Post
Will a purchase of an appliance from Home Depot, through AAFES website, also receive the 0% APR for six months like Home Depot honors in their store?
Hi, Brian,
Exchange shoppers can use their MILITARY STAR card for Home Depot purchases. The Home Depot purchases will automatically receive a 0% interest rate and six months of no payments or interest.
Robert Philpot
The Exchange Post