Get Ready for Open Enrollment

Nov. 7 through Dec. 2 is open enrollment time for medical and dental insurance, other benefits
Circle Nov. 7 through Dec. 2 on your calendar as dates to remember.
That’s the 2017 open enrollment period when eligible associates can sign up for Exchange benefits. Changes take effect on Jan. 1, 2017.
Information on the Exchange’s insurance programs will be sent soon to your home. You also can go here,, for details.
What actions can I take?
Open enrollment is the time to evaluate your insurance needs. You can enroll in:
- Medical and DoD NAF Dental. You also can choose Aetna Stand Alone Dental if you’re not enrolled in the medical  benefit.
- Flexible spending accounts for out-of-pocket healthcare or dependent-care costs.
- You also can:
- Change your medical plan if more than one is offered in your area
- Add or drop dependents
- Cancel your medical and
dental coverage
Life insurance, other benefits
At any time during the year, enroll or change these plans, which would be effective immediately:
- Basic, supplemental and dependent-life insurance
- Disability income
- Personal accident insurance
- Long-term care
- 401(k) retirement savings plan
- Life insurance and disability income may require proof of health status.
Review beneficiaries, too
Open enrollment also is a good time to review your beneficiaries. Any changes in beneficiaries would take effect immediately.
Retirees with Exchange benefits also will receive information at their homes or go here.