Enroll in Flexible Spending Accounts for 2017

During open enrollment, Nov. 7 – Dec. 2, you can set aside up to $2,550 pre-tax each year in a healthcare flexible spending account to get reimbursed for eligible medical, dental and vision expenses that aren’t covered by your medical plan.
In addition to copays, coinsurance and deductibles, these expenses include:
- Dental work and orthodontia
- Eye exams, glasses, contact lenses and LASIK eye surgery
- Over-the-counter items, such as bandages, saline solution
- Prescription drugs
See a complete list of eligible health care expenses.
Once enrolled in the FSA for 2017, you will receive confirmation from PayFlex, which will show how to set up direct deposits and notifications and access your account.
New enrollees will each get one debit card to pay for expenses, starting on Jan. 1, 2017. Associates who are re-enrolling in FSA for 2017 can use their present cards.
Dependent day care FSA
In addition, you also can sign up for a dependent day care FSA to get reimbursed for costs associated with licensed daycare or nursery; licensed elderly daycare; nannies, elderly care and other in-home services; summer day camp or school-based program.
When do you enroll for 2022
Hi, Arnette. Open enrollment for 2022 started this week and goes through November.