Exchange Shoppers Generate $308 Million for Quality-of-Life Programs

Shopping the Exchange Service makes a difference: In 2023, military shoppers generated $308 million in dividends that support critical Quality-of-Life programs at installations worldwide.
100% of Exchange earnings are reinvested in the military community, so every time Soldiers, Airmen, Guardians, retirees, military families, Veterans, DoD civilians and other authorized shoppers make a purchase from an Exchange store, restaurant or, they strengthen military communities.
“Other retailers have a duty to maximize returns to their shareholders; the Exchange’s duty is to maximize support of the military communities we are privileged to serve,” said Exchange Director/CEO Tom Shull. “Those who serve and have served receive value through tax-free shopping and military-exclusive pricing at the Exchange while making life better for our Nation’s heroes and their families.”
The Exchange serves Army and Air Force installations, as well as select Navy and Marine Corps locations, providing dividends to the Services in 2023:
- Army: $168 million
- Air Force: $120 million
- Navy/Marine Corps: $20 million
About 60% of Exchange earnings are contributed to the Quality-of-Life programs, while the remaining earnings improve the shopping experience, such as renovating stores, updating infrastructure and adding new services. In the last 10 years, the Exchange has generated $3.7 billion in earnings, every dollar of which has benefited military communities.
The Exchange’s 2023 Mission Report provides a detailed overview of the DoD’s largest retailer—such as total revenue, earnings and more—as well as information regarding the many ways the Exchange benefit supported troops last year, including:
- 600,000 military uniforms outfitted at cost.
- 1 million DoDEA school meals served.
- 60,000+ Veterans and military spouses hired since 2013.
- 47,000 troops supported throughout 20 military exercises overseas.
The Mission Report can be read on the Exchange’s online Community Hub at by selecting “Annual Report” from the “Company” tab dropdown.