OPERATION: Call Out—Central Region

These Central Region associates understand the meaning of Family Serving Family and Serving the Best Customers in the World. They go above and beyond to ensure that the Exchange is providing service and a taste of home no matter where they serve. Thank you, Kristen Ruiz, Crystal Vowell and Wendy Skapik.
Kristen Ruiz
Services Business Technician
JBSA Lackland/Randolph AFB
Kristen is primarily responsible for the short-term program at Lackland and Randolph Air Force Bases. Kristen has demonstrated unwavering commitment and hard work in improving the short-term sales and income, resulting in a remarkable increase in both overall. Year-to-date sales stand at $4,630,855 compared with $3,620,366 in the previous year, marking an impressive growth of $1,010,498 or 28%, income stand at $99,085, compared with $72,502 in the previous year. Kristen has recently graduated from the Services Business Manager Academy, further enhancing her expertise and skills in the field. Her achievement is a testament to her dedication to professional growth and excellence. Her meticulous approach and proactive initiatives have significantly contributed to the success of the short-term program at Lackland and Randolph AFB.
Crystal Vowell
Services Business Technician
Fort Cavazos
Crystal Vowell joined the Exchange team October 2021 as a cashier at the main store with central checkout. She became an assistant MILITARY STAR card ambassador for the main store in July 2022. Crystal joined the services & vending team in November 2022 as services operations assistant and in April 2023 became services business technician. In a short time, Crystal grew the Fort Cavazos short-term business by adding 20 short-term vendors and seven short-term food agreements for 2023. She collaborated closely with peers & base organizations and with units on post to flawlessly plan to set up more than 45 STFA food truck events for 2023. Crystal completed the Services Business Managers Academy in May 2024, scoring highly in her class. Crystal continues to coordinate with long-term Concessionaires to attend the weekly newcomers brief to grow the business of services. She continues to add new short-term concessionaires and STFA food trucks for 2024 and she is not done yet. Crystal is also a Navy Veteran (May 1999 to May 2009). She successfully completed three deployments onboard two guided-missile destroyers and one destroyer-class ship as a sonar technician. She earned the Enlisted Surface Warfare Specialist (ESWS) pin in 2006. We thank you, Crystal, for service to our country and the continuing service you give to our service members. Keeping it in the family, Crystal’s husband, First Sgt. James A. Voewll, has served his country for 25 years. He is a member of 2nd Battalion, 7th U.S. Cavalry at Fort Cavazos.
Wendy Skapik
Concept Manager
Wright-Patterson Starbucks
Wendy has demonstrated exceptional dedication to the Exchange, stepping into any position asked of her and excelling within it.  She was an Einstein Bagels foreman, a Burger King foreman and recently was the temporary fmood court anager position while the regular manager was on leave. She ensures that her team members are well taken care of, and the facilities thrive on her watch; in the upcoming weeks, she and three other team members will be certified as coffee masters.  As the Starbucks concept manager, Wendy has led her team to meet a sales performance 22.6% above the planned target for her facility year to date. Wendy has been instrumental in managing catering operations within our food facilities on Wright- Patterson. Wendy’s impressive track record highlights her significant contribution to the Exchange.