Taking Maintenance Medicines? Then Check This Out

Maintenance medicines are those used regularly to treat or manage conditions, such as asthma, diabetes, high blood pressure or high cholesterol.
With the Maintenance Choice Program, you can get a 90-day supply of maintenance medicines by using Aetna Rx Home Delivery mail-order pharmacy or a CVS pharmacy near you. After two fills at your local retail pharmacy, you will pay the full cost of the medicine if you choose to continue to receive a 30-day supply.
With Maintenance Choice, you will receive deeper discounts when you fill your maintenance medicines with a 90-day supply. Keep in mind that you will pay the same cost share for 90 days of your medication as you would for 60 days. It’s like getting a month free. Plus, when you save, the plan saves. This helps keep plan costs—and your premium costs—in check.
Looking to save some bucks on your medical bills? This may be a way, plus save on trips to the drug store.
To get started with the program, choose how you’d prefer to receive your maintenance prescriptions:
- Use the mail service. With Aetna Rx Home Delivery, you can order a 90-day supply of your medication and have it delivered to any address you provide. Call 1-888-RX AETNA (1-888-792-3862).
- Visit a CVS pharmacy near you. Just show your prescription to receive your 90-day supply. To find a local CVS pharmacy, go Aetna.com and click “Find a Doctor, Dentist or Facility” on the left menu of your home page. In the “Search by” field, click on “Pharmacies.
Be on the lookout for a letter with more information about the program. The Maintenance Choice program does not apply to members living overseas.