#WhereHeroesWork Wednesday: Derrick Bogar, RAF Mildenhall Store Manager, Veteran

Veterans and military spouse associates are terrific ambassadors for what the Exchange does and the heroes it serves. Roughly 45% of the U.S. workforce is made up of Veterans, military spouses or dependents.
Today the Exchange Post launches #WhereHeroesWork Wednesday, a series featuring Veterans and military spouses sharing their Exchange stories through a series of videos. Each week, the Exchange Post will communicate their tales of service, both to our Nation and to the Exchange.
The series begins with Derrick Bogar, the RAF Mildenhall Store Manager, who served in the military from 1981 to 1992. Bogar talks about the rewards of deployment and how the Exchange gives him the “one big family” feeling that he felt in the military. Check out his video here.
Derrick is a great asset to AAFES, good to see he gets recognition as such!
Derrick hit the nail on the head, “the opportunity to give back.”