Financial and Emotional Well-Being

Employee Assistance Program_EPImage

The intersection of financial well-being and emotional health is an issue that affects many Americans. More than 40% of American adults report that money negatively affects their mental health. This statistic serves as a poignant reminder of the close link between money matters and our emotional state. Stress, anxiety and feelings of insecurity often accompany financial challenges and can take a significant toll on overall well-being, according to Magellan Healthcare.

If you are experiencing financial stress or emotional strain, please don’t hesitate to reach out to EAP. The Exchange EAP provides financial advisors and resources to support you during difficult times.

Here are some tips to help you improve your financial and emotional well-being:

  • Set positive goals – Write down financial goals for one month, six months, a year and even five years.
  • Use a budget tracker – Monitor your spending habits, identifying unnecessary expenses.
  • Make a plan – Work on saving one month’s emergency expenses by a specific date.
  • Seek help – EAP offers a Money Coach who can help develop a stress-relieving debt reduction strategy.

Your health and well-being are paramount. The Exchange is committed to fostering an environment where everyone feels supported and valued.

Live Webinar —Wednesday, 13 March 24 at 1300 CT on Balancing Your Financial and Emotional Well-being. Learn how to handle money challenges like inflation, household expenses and debt. Register here.

For more information on managing finances and its connection to emotional heath, visit or call the Employee Assistance Program at 1-800-424-5988 (TTY 711) for helpful resources.

EAP U.S. and Overseas Phone Numbers –

United States: 800-424-5988

Belgium: 0800-819-05

Germany: 0800-180-2587

Greece: New toll-free number +8008481696; direct-dial +351214542169

Guam: 1-877-301-4773

Italy: 800-783-713

Japan: 0800-100-0074

Korea: New toll-free number +808775420; direct-dial +6566541650

Netherlands: 0800-022-2285

Turkey: 800-621-2245

United Kingdom: 0800-243-458

Overseas Direct:  +351-2-1454-2186


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