Boots on the Ground
Today is the anniversary of 9/11–and the anniversary of the day that MSG Barrieau joined the Army. Read about his dedication and about his long-running interest in communication.
Read More“I’ve enjoyed learning about all the intricacies and attention to detail each of the directorates place on improving the Quality of Life for our service members and their families both past and present,”
Read MoreThe Air Force Command Support Staff technician, who has been with the Exchange since January, says that being part of the Exchange has already given him a new positive perspective on his career.
Read More“I see AAFES [as] a great career path for those that want to serve, travel, build a successful career, raise a family, and any combination of those.”
Read MoreAs a public affairs NCO, he tells the story of the Air Force. Since October 2022, he’s also been telling the story of the Exchange.
Read MoreSMSgt Rios joined the Exchange in January and has already experienced the core value of Family Serving Family in a personal way.
Read MoreThe 23-year Army Veteran, who joined the Exchange in July, has had eclectic roles in her military career.
Read MoreEven though Thompson has only spent six months in his assignment at the Exchange, he says it has already been a meaningful and rewarding experience finding new ways to support the mission.
Read MoreCampano, who has been with the Exchange for three years, appreciates the Exchange’s team-oriented spirit and living the “We Go Where You Go” motto.
Read MoreCol. Brown upholds the legacy of his father, who was also a military officer for the Exchange, and then worked for the Exchange in Finance and Accounting and other roles throughout his post-military career.
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